Each week, first grade gets a set of spelling words. Their spelling words connect to the current phonics lesson we are learning for that week. This is great because they learn why the words are spelled the way they are. I always add three challenge words that are not part of the original spelling list. I pull these three words from student work. They are usually the most frequently misspelled high frequency words.
Here is a list of great ways your child can practice their words at home. The photos in this post are of students spelling words with playdough. They loved this kinestetic activity!
Spelling Practice Activities
- rolling out play dough and making letters
- using letter cubes or letter squares to build words
- writing each word three times each
- rainbow spelling (write the word in pencil and trace it with color pencils, crayons, or markers)
- graffiti spelling (making block, squiggly, or funky letters)
- write spelling words in the context of a sentence
- write a short story using as many spelling words as you can
- twisting pipe clearners into words
- use stamps
- write letters using dots and then trace them
- type it on a computer or ipad
- write in dirt or sand with a stick
- write with sidewalk chalk
- write in shaving cream
- write with a white crayon on white paper and then scribble over it with darker colors or water color over it
- use cheese its or cherrios to make words
- dry erase boards
- online spelling activities (spelling city)
- make word searches
You can always search online. There are many great spelling resources out there but this is a great start! Now it's time to start practicing!
Estevan loved using the play dough for spelling. |
Savonne rolling out her play dough to make a word. |
We always say, "If you can spell could, you can spell would!" |
Alyssa from kindergarten joins us for first grade reading. |
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