
We Love First Grade!

Friday, February 8, 2013

We can count 100 days!

We celebrated our 100th day on February 7th. We started the day out by doing fun 100 second activities. The class had 100 seconds to write as many as they could of the following things: first name, last name, spelling words, and writing numbers in numerical order. The class also had 100 seconds to do the following physical activities: jumping jacks, jumping on left foot, and jumping on right foot. We also timed ourselves doing math facts for 100 seconds. Oh, my did our hands hurt by the time we were done writing and our bodies were exhausted after all the jumping. We pre-warned our eighth grade buddies before we jumped around because their classroom is below ours.

Students also brought 100 items with them to school. These items ranged from cereal, beans, popcorn,vsequins, candy, nails, and anything else we could find around our homes. We used these items to count to 100 in various ways. We first counted by ones, then fives, and then tens. Once we finished, we used our 100 items to make a picture. Below are some fun pictures of what the students made with their 100 items. We then had an art display in the cafeteria with kindergarten for the whole school to see. The kids loved sharing their display of 100 art.

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