Last school year a friend of mines daughter was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma cancer. She has been in and out of the hospital since Easter. She has gone through a few surgeries to remove cancerous tumors and gone through chemotherapy and radiation to shrink the tumors. She is only two years old and such a fighter. Last school year, my first graders (now current second graders) prayed for Emmy daily. We made cards which I delivered to the hospital and we continued to keep Emmy in our thoughts. Emmy's mom and dad gave me special bracelets for my last years class that say, Team Emmy Cole and Fear Not. Just Believe. My second grade students were so honored to receive these bracelets and wear them each day as a remembrance to pray for Emmy and her healing. I have attached a few photos of the students the day they received the bracelets and also her parents blog if you are interested in reading about their journey. Emmy's parents are such an inspiration and they continue to believe in prayer and God's healing of their precious little girl. God is great and Emmy sure is proof of that. She is fighting every day and so strong! Please continue to keep Emmy and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
Team Emmy Cole Blog Website
Emmy walking for the first time since her surgery
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