The month of march brought a lot of green into our room. We did some fun activities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. We talked about St. Patrick and read a story to honor him. Ava's family sent in yummy cupcakes which turned the kids mouths green. They especially loved that!!! We made our beautiful shamrocks and wrote acrostic poems. For math, each student received a pocket of change to count. Once they counted their change, they illustrated the coins and created a cute pot of gold where their money was displayed. Second grade was a great help with first grade on counting coins. It has been such a blessing to see the students my class help and support each other.
Before we went on spring break, first and second grade prepared for Holy
Week. We created palm branches from torn paper, made books to show the
stations of the cross, and learned about the three Holy Days.
We also had the visiting team for accreditation visit our classrooms the last week before break. The visiting team left me many comments on how well behaved, engaged, and liked many of the ways I teach our combined class. We were all very proud!
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Holding her teams tower so it doesn't fall |
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The only standing tower |
During the last week of March, first and second grade participated in a thrilling marshmallow challenge. In this challenge, the students had to design a tower using only a meter of tape, 20 spaghetti noodles, and 1 marshmallow. The students had 12 minutes to design a plan and 18 minutes to build. The challenge was to build the tallest tower with a marshmallow on top. Out of 5 towers only 1 stood tall and standing after the timer went off. As a class, we reflected on why the towers didn't stand and what we would do next time to make it stronger. Many realized that teamwork was key in designing and building. The class had a blast being little engineers! We are going to repeat this challenge again to see if we can successfully carryout our plans. I took a fun video of the kids as they were in the building process.
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Standing 17 inches tall |
March was a fun filled month of learning!