
We Love First Grade!

Friday, January 25, 2013

It has been WILD lately!

It has been a long time since my last post on the happenings in the WILD First and Second Grade. First off, I'd like to congratulate all the students at Visitation Catholic School for such a wonderful performance at this years Advent Program. The students had so much fun and worked very hard on preparing for their songs. Thank you to all the family and friends who came to celebrate with us all on that special night. The children loved seeing you in the church and being all dressed up.

We recently supported our home team, "THE SEAHAWKS" as a school. Everyone showed up in green and blue to support our team as they went into a playoff game. Unfortunately, we lost but at least we were ahead for a little bit :)

In science this month, we've been studying about rocks. The students love the inquiry based lessons and the hands on experience they get in each lesson. We have looked at rocks and sorted them by color, shape, and how they feel. We have seen first hand how rocks change when we put them into water. Students watched bubbles form on their rocks when we put them in water. This week we sorted rocks by their properties and made a bar graph to show our data. The kids loved doing math while doing science.

 For Martin Luther Kind Jr. day, we honored Dr. King by reading children's literature about his life and talking about segregation. We discussed if it would be fair that only brown hair students got snack or if you have blue eyes you can't go to recess. The students were very firm on the fact that all people should be treated equally. We then made a list of ideas of what dreams we have for the world to make it a better place. The students came up with wonderful ideas. A few of them were, no bullies, making our world clean by not littering, taking care of God's creations, no fighting, and being safe with fire. The class then wrote about their dream for the world. Check out our work on our bulletin board outside our classroom if you get a chance.

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