We had such a wonderful end of the year with Mr. Compton. The kids had so much fun with him during PE and always talked about how great of a PE teacher he was. When he came into our classroom on his last day to say goodbye, the kids ran up to the door to give him a big hug. We will miss him dearly!
My parents came in for the first time to visit the class. The students told them their names and something they like about going to Visitation. One of the girls said they like having all the visitors. She named all the visitors and said, "we also like when they bring us things" (It was so cute haha). My parents brought fun toys and candy for the kids. They loved the rocket candy and bag of toys.
During the last week of school, first and second grade went on a field trip to Tilow Beach. We had a good time playing on the playground, having a BBQ, and picking up garbage on the walking trails. It started out with lots of rain but eventually cleared up so we could do our part in helping keep our parks clean. We had tons of fun using the pickers to pick up the garbage. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who volunteered helping us pick up garbage and cooking the food.
Field day was a blast! As a school, we went to St. John of the Woods, to enjoy a fun filled day of organized activities. Mr. Tilton did a great job organizing the day and to top it off we had a pinata filled with lots of candy to bust open. The pinata came from the Advent program and it was the star that first grade brought up during their performance. So, first grade got the first chance to break it open.
At the beginning of our last school day, the kindergarten students joined our class for a fun reading activity. I wanted to join the two classes on the last day to introduce everyone to each other, as we will be together as the new first and second grade combined class. After we did a read aloud together, the first graders were paired with a kindergarten student and they read to them. The students enjoyed being together and there was a great energy around the room. I am very excited to be able to spend next year with all of them and to be able to have my first graders back as second graders. I definitely wasn't ready for them to leave my class yet.
On the last day of school, first and second grade sang a song during our last Mass together. We had prepared this song for the school talent show which was canceled. The students practiced so hard we had to showcase it and the last day of school was perfect. The classes sang, "Oh, Happy Day" and was accompanied by Gabe Rivera. Take a look at the video on Miss Lardies classroom facebook page. The students did a fantastic job :)