On Monday, students made shields that reflect their personal experience with Faith, Knowledge, and Service. Each student has their shield displayed in the hallways of the school.
On Tuesday, students made a special cross keychain as a gift to their parents and wrote personal letters to say thank you for sending them to school at Visitation Catholic STEM Academy.
On Wednesday, students created luminaries reflecting their Catholic values. We also had a special friends lunch day. Each student wrote an invitation to either their parents, grandparents, or a special friend.
Each class is lighting up the hallway with Jesus' light.
Colton had his big brother from 4th grade and his dad join him for lunch.
Sawyer had his big brother come up for lunch.
Jaydon had his whole family come for lunch.
David invited his grandma and his brother from 3rd grade joined them.
Vy invited his 8th grade buddy for lunch.
On Friday we had student appreciation day. Each student recieved an ice cream sundae loaded with all the toppings they wanted. It was such a beautiful day that we decided to take our ice cream outside. We packed up and took our ice cream to the big toy and did our end of the day star reader. We all squished on the top of the big toy and enjoyed our sweet treat and sweet stories!
We also had a story teller come to school. She told stories with excitement, music, and movement. The students enjoyed her stories.
We also had a story teller come to school. She told stories with excitement, music, and movement. The students enjoyed her stories.