
We Love First Grade!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spirit Week - Pajama Day, Crazy Day, Twin Day, Costume Day, Hawaiian Day

School Kids
Military Boys

School Girl
Princess Girls

Miss Lardie the Doctor and Moe the Bee


Ms. Bowen, Miss Pedrini, Mrs. Doering, and Miss Lardie - Twins
Twin Day
Twin Day

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

100th day of school

We celebrated the 100th day of school on Wednesday, February 15th. During our calendar activities, we have been counting how many days we have been at school. Each day we add one sticker to our tens frames which are organized by place value (ones, tens, and hundreds). Today, we moved all our tens to the 100 column. The students were very excited :)

Each student also brought countable household items. We first counted our items to 100, then sorted and counted them by 2s, 5s, and 10s. When we were all done using them as counters, we used them for a fun art project to make a picture. Students used their items to make hearts, balloons, robots, fields, faces, etc. We then wrote 100 items makes a ________.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Roses are red, violets are blue, Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

First grade had a lovely time on Valentine's Day. We created crazy treat bags for our sweet treats and valentine's from friends to go into. We made 4 love mobiles that included something we love about ourselves, family, school, and God. We also read a fun story about St. Valentine. Look below to see some photos from our day.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Catholic Schools Week

Visitation had a blast celebrating Catholic Schools Week. The week was packed with special visitors and fun activities. 

On Tuesday, we had career day. Local volunteers came to the school to share what their career is and how faith impacts their everyday at work. Special thanks to Mara Gordon (dental hygienist), The Bee Man, and Wildlife Man for sharing with us your career.

Bee man gave us honey sticks

On Wednesday, we had bring a special guest to lunch day. Students brought their parents, grandparents, and/or siblings to join them for lunch. A few 1st graders special guest was, ME :) 

On Thursday, Mrs. Doering and Ms. Bowen organized a minute to win it activities for grades K-8. Each game the students had one minute to complete the activity using household items. A couple of the games first graders played was junk in your trunk and keep the balloon in the air. Staff played games, too. 

Mackenzie and Winston shaking ping pong balls out of a tissue box

Javana trying to keep up the balloons

On Friday, each staff member had a classroom activity for the kids. The week prior, students chose their top 3 choices of activities to do. Some of them included, tissue paper art, magic tricks, planting, twister, paper bag puppets, board games, gooey science, and DANCE in my classroom. I brought in XBOX kinect and projected the game on a big screen. Students had a lot of fun dancing and competing against each other for the best dance. Only a couple of first grade students chose to do dance and they were sad when they found out the Xbox was in their classroom. For the last 10 minutes of the day I let those that didn't choose the class try it out. They had a lot of fun!

Following along on Dance Central

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Oops! Sent out wrong spelling words


Miss Pedrini made a mistake on spelling words this week and sent home the wrong word list. Please throw away the word list you got on Monday and begin practicing the word list you received today. This weeks focus is on long a sound.
  1. make
  2. came
  3. take
  4. name
  5. gave
  6. game
  7. place
  8. skate
Practice activities:
  • Write spelling words 3 times each
  • Write spelling words in sentences
  • Write spelling words in shaving cream
  • Use letter punch outs to spell words
  • Spelling triangles (example below)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Random activities and pictures

For the month of January we had a snowball fight to read books with first, second, and third grade. Second grade won but first grade was right behind them. Each week, we counted how many books or chapters each child read and they got one snowball for each one. We posted these snowballs outside our classroom door to display how many books/chapters we read as a class. The students enjoyed the snowball fight for reading so much that we have decided to do an Easter egg hunt for reading. Tune in for more information soon. Photos below are taken by our weekly student photographer.

Cassidy adding her snowballs
Mackenzie adding her snowballs to the collection

Gavin writing his name on his snowballs
Winston helping cut out snowballs because we ran out
Leilani being goofy

Every Friday morning before Mass, we work with our 8th grade buddies. The students have been with the same buddy since kindergarten. We love to read with our buddies!